Get Void Bastards & Yooka-Laylee for free on the Epic Games Store

Void Bastards Header

This week’s Epic Games Store freebie is now available… except it’s a week where there’s not one, but two free games being given away. You can now get the indie first person shooter Void Bastards and the retro platformer Yooka-Laylee for the price of zero pennies.

Here’s the download links to the two free games:

The two games are available to anyone with an Epic Games Store account from now until 4PM UK time on 26th August.

Yooka-Laylee came out in early 2017, a collectathon platform revival from some of the makers of Banjo-Kazooie. It featured a new dynamic duo of Yooka, a male chameleon, and Laylee, a female bat, going on an adventure into a bright and colourful platforming world. It did well enough for Playtonic and publisher Team17 to follow it up with an even more retro platformer, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.

Yooka-Laylee Review Screenshot

In our Yooka-Laylee review, Jim said:

“Of all the potential hurdles to snag on in creating a 3D platformers in the style of the late nineties classics, Playtonic deftly avoids the most egregious ones by far. At its very core, Yooka-Laylee succeeds in reviving a format long forgotten and does so with such vigor and passion. However, players shouldn’t expect it to reinvent the genre.”

Void Bastards, on the other hand, is a first person shooter mashup between classic immersive sims like System Shock and the roguelike genre. Each run casts you as a freshly warmed up convict, released from cryostasis one at a time to help the ship Void Arc prison to try and guide the ship out of the Sargasso Nebula.

Void Bastards Review Screenshot

In our Void Bastards review, Nick P wrote:

“Void Bastards may just seem like another FPS, but there’s an element of strategy layered in which sets it aside from the rest. It takes a bit of the old, mixes it with the new, splashes it with a comic style aesthetic to make a truly wonderful experience that will challenge you to make good decisions, enable you to play how you want and you get to be called a Void Bastard, which is brilliant. It feels like a breath of fresh air in a sea of FPS games that all do the same thing.”

Epic has also revealed what they’ll be giving away next week, the kitchen automation puzzler that is Automachef.

Source: Epic Games Store

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!