This Is the President is a late winner in the Weirdest Trailer of 2021 Competition

This is the president
This is the president

This Is the President is a story driven management game in which you, a shady multi-millionaire businessman with a dodgy past, is elected and becomes President of the United States of America. That sounds completely ridiculous and would never happen in real life, where do these video game makers get their preposterous ideas from?

Well however decided to make a video game based on a corrupt President of the United States of America must also be the person who made the latest video to promote the game. The video is a musical, a full story of love and loss in just over 2 minutes, performed by Caleb Hyles and Broadway star Major Attaway.  It also includes pigeons and shocking death, take a look.

So the question is, what does a two minute musical called “Danced Without Pants” have to do with the game? Well apparently you can watch it the game when, you the President, goes to theatre. As well all know, US Presidents going to the theatre always ends well.

Odd as it is, the video has made me write about the game so I guess he trailer has done it’s job, here’s more about This Is the President.

Manage your official and unofficial staff like a real mafioso in order to deal with all the old problems you’ve had in the past, as well as the shiny new problems that come with the office. You’ll battle with your competitors, the establishment, the media and even foreign leaders.
In this political thriller-satire mix, the player’s actions will inescapably lead to situations that escalate into absurd, terrifying, tragic and even ridiculous situations.

But the road to lifelong immunity is full of pitfalls, and you’ll need to remember to clean up the daily messes that arise. Some might even call these distractions “presidential duties”.

Score some easy points by price capping video games and banning online advertising. But why limit yourself to ads alone?
Regulate the whole Internet — your friends in China could use some help with censorship anyway.

This Is the President is available right now on Steam but the pack does not include a bright orange fake tan, you will have to buy that separately.

Source: YouTube

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.