It’s time to continue out list of most wanted video games of 2022, and we’ve got a wild mix for you today. This selection splices together story-driven adventures with titles that put raw, punchy action above all else.
From cowboys to criminal masterminds, this is perhaps the only time you’ll see these five unique games clustered together.
40. The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me
Closing out Supermassive’s first season of its Dark Pictures Anthology is “The Devil In Me”, coming next Halloween. Each instalment in the horror game series has tried to approach the genre from a different angle with terrifying tales of ghost ships, witchcraft, and demons.
Even from the short reveal trailer above, The Devil In Me has immediately hooked us more than the past three games have managed. We know we’ll be going up against a sadistic serial killer who turns his victims into gruesome works of art. Hopefully this fourth game in the series will feature clever challenges as you attempt to outwit its villain, moving the needle away from interactive fiction with a more detective-like video game experience.
39. Oxenfree II: Lost Signals
Oxenfree continues to be one of the most beloved indie games of the past several years, and in 2022 it will be getting a long-awaited sequel. What made the original so captivating was the way its core paranormal mystery was wrapped around well-written characters and a relatable coming-of-age story.
Lost Signals takes place a few years after the first game and features a new hero, Riley. She returns to her hometown of Camena where weird radio signals and disturbances are being reported, just up the coast from Oxenfree’s Edwards Island. It quickly transpires that, while the rifts into ghostly realms of the first game were closed, a new group known as the Parentage has found a way to start opening them back up again. Another spooky adventure awaits.
38. Evil West
Another late entry on our list is the kickass Evil West from Shadow Warrior developers Flying Wild Hog. There’s definitely some shared DNA here with over-the-top enemy designs and fluid, frenetic combat on show in the latest trailer from The Game Awards.
Set in the American frontier, you play as one of the last in an elite organisation of vampire hunters. Equipped with a bombastic arsenal of weapons and gadgets, it’s up to you to drive back hordes of supernatural enemies, either alone or with a friend riding shotgun. It’s honestly refreshing to see a game like this that focuses on a tight narrative-driven campaign instead of endlessly replayable stages that have you endlessly grinding for loot, but we’re also excited to see just how Evil West’s upgrades and unlocks encourage different potential playstyles.
37. Shadow Warrior 3
Speaking of Flying Wild Hog and Shadow Warrior, the next entry in this zany FPS series is also due to touch down next year. Lo Wang returns in yet another tongue in cheek shooter that looks as gorgeous as it is fun to play.
Prepare to face off against a wonderfully weird menagerie of demons, using an ever-growing arsenal of crazy weapons. Shadow Warrior 3 will also feature an expanded movement system that weaves together wallruns, air dashes, and a grappling hook, fusing ninja-style parkour with visceral combat gameplay. The developer has promised that customisation will still play a key role though it has been streamlined to help focus on the action instead of worrying over weapon stats and loadout screens. Shadow Warrior looks poised to give DOOM yet another run for its money as the best demon-slaying shooter.
36. Tiny Tina’s Wonderland
Even if you don’t particularly care for the Borderlands series, there’s a good chance you still know who Tiny Tina is. She quickly became a favourite among fans after helming the fourth Borderlands 2 expansion titled Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep. That expansion saw her and the game’s heroes dive into the fictional pen and paper RPG, Bunkers and Badasses, for one of the most memorable Borderlands adventures.
Building on that popularity, Gearbox will release the standalone spin-off title Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. Our titular dungeon master returns to oversee yet another fantasy campaign in which you play as one of six classes, creating your own character in this bizarre make believe world. Although it links back to the wider Borderlands franchise, this isn’t just a puffed up DLC expansion. Teeming with original content, new gameplay systems and ideas, we’ve got our D20s primed for its March 2022 release.
We’ll be back tomorrow with the next five most wanted games of 2022.
I’m hitting the road home for Christmas so i’ll wish all staff and visitors a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jim Hargreaves
Thanks for reading! Enjoy your Christmas break!
Dominic L
Merry Christmas mate!
Dominic L
I don’t know why I’m so excited for the Tiny Tina game… and yet here we are.