[Update] New Metal Slug game announced for PS4 and PS5

new metal slug game awakening ps4 ps5

Update: since publishing this story, SNK has confirmed the news is fake. The video and announcement originated from an unofficial source – we apologise to our reader and will be more vigilant in verifying sources here at TheSixthAxis.

A new Metal Slug game is coming to PS4 and PS5, it has been announced. Metal Slug: Awakening (previously known and Metal Slug: Project J) had previously been confirmed for iOS and Android with a console version now the pipeline.

There’s no word on whether developer Timi Studios intends to bring the Metal Slug sequel to other platforms. A Nintendo Switch version seems like an obvious choice though the developer is also shunning PC, and Xbox platforms too. Maybe these will launch later.

Speaking of launch, there’s no release date for Awakening just yet. However, according to the game’s official Twitter account, it will be going live “VERY SOON” on mobile platforms. Hopefully PlayStation fans won’t have to wait long for it to appear on Sony consoles.

The game is being published by Tencent and has been authorised by original creator, SNK. Over the past few years there’s been a renewed push to bring back and modernise a number of SNK’s memorable franchises, including Samurai Shodown, King of Fighters, and Metal Slug. Later this month we’ll be getting the latest KOF title, King of Fighters XV, for new and last-gen systems.

Meanwhile, 2022 appears to be a bumper year for Metal Slug fans. Not only are we getting a revival of the series’ explosive side-scrolling action, a strategic spinoff is also on the way…

Metal Slug Tactics

DotEmu is at it again. The Parisian nostalgia factory has had a hand in reviving a growing number of familiar names from the arcade era including Streets of Rage, Windjammers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Metal Slug is the latest IP to join the ranks, beloved by many for its high octane brand of retro, side-scrolling shootouts.

As the name implies, Metal Slug Tactics is taking things in a bold new direction. It may feature the same heroes, visuals, and imagery of SNKs arcade classics, albeit from a new perspective. We’re suckers for turn-based tactical RPGs here at TheSixthAxis and, beyond the Metal Slug name, we want to see the milieu of customisation and roguelike elements that are at play when Tactics launches later this year.

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.

1 Comment

  1. “we apologise to our reader”

    Wow! You don’t think much of yourselves :D

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