Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is a remaster of the PSP prequel

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Header

Square Enix has announced Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion a remaster of the well-regarded PlayStation Portable Final Fantasy VII prequel. Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion will be coming to PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC this winter.

This is “a true remaster” of the 2007 PlayStation Portable original, according to Square Enix, which goes far beyond merely upscaling the game to HD and 4K. The graphics have been enhanced with all the 3D models in the game, from characters to environments, being refreshed for modern platforms. Additionally, the dialogue is now fully voiced and there’s a new arrangement for the soundtrack.

Crisis Core tells the story of SOLDIER 1st Class Zack Fair as he searches for the missing SOLDIER Genesis Rhapsodos, a tale that will tie in with the stories of Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith, Tifa and leading into Final Fantasy VII’s main tale.

Expect more of the game – including a proper release date – to be shown and revealed in the next few months.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Gameplay

Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion, Square Enix hope, will help to tide people over until the second instalment in Final Fantasy VII Remake. We got our first glimpse of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, as it’s to be known, at the 25th anniversary celebration stream, with Square setting a release window of winter 2023 for the game. It is announced exclusively for PlayStation 5, so any PS4 players will want to upgrade to the new generation, and also confirmed to be the second game in a trilogy that remakes and reimagines the epic Final Fantasy VII saga.

Final Fantasy VII Remake, Tuffcub said, ” How do you remake one of the most beloved video games ever made? Why would you even risk it? It would be like remaking Jaws, Casablanca, or the original Star Wars film. Final Fantasy VII was a sprawling saga spanning eighty hours of memorable characters, lengthy battles, and tearful heartbreak. There is no way Square Enix could do it justice… and yet they have. An utter joy to play from start to finish, packed with memorable scenes, moustache-twirling baddies, and epic battles. The first part of Final Fantasy VII Remake isn’t just polished, it’s opulent.”

You can read the full Final Fantasy VII Remake review here.

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