Sonic Frontiers 2023 Roadmap promises new playable characters and story

Sonic Frontiers Art Header

Sega has revealed a roadmap of updates for Sonic Frontiers in 2023, promising everything from a photo mode and celebrations for Sonic’s birthday, to new modes, new Koco, new playable characters and a new batch of story. All of this will be added to the game for free.

Sonic Frontiers 2023 Roadmap

From the accompanying artwork, it seems that Tails, Knuckles and Amy will all be made playable characters – all three are rescued by Sonic during the main game – and with Sage’s appearance, the story looks to be a direct continuation of the main game.

Here’s what each Sonic Frontiers update will include:

Update 1

  • Juke Box
  • Photo Mode
  • New Challenge Modes

Update 2

  • Sonic’s Birthday
  • Open Zone Challenge
  • New Koco

Update 3

  • Playable Characters
  • New Story

There’s no date or specified timeline for when these three updates will be released, but we can figure things out from the mention of Sonic’s birthday. The blue blur celebrates his birthday on 23rd June, the anniversary of the release of the original Sonic the Hedgehog game. In other words, we can expect Update 1 in the first half of 2023, Update 2 in June, and then the much more significant Update 3 in the second half of 2023.

And as a sweetener to round out 2022, there will be an update released on 21st December adding the Holiday Cheer Suit for Sonic to wear.

Sonic Frontiers has kickstarted a new era for Sonic, embracing a new open world design as Sonic is whisked away to the mysterious Starfall Islands, does battle with angular, robotic foes and solves environmental puzzles. Obvious allusions to games like The Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and big JRPGs like Xenoblade Chronicles have been made, and the game has divided critics and fans over the new direction. Most troublesome have been performance dips on older platforms, though Sonic Team are hard at work to patch out bugs and potentially improve some gameplay elements as well.

Even with some flaws, Dom genuinely enjoyed it for our Sonic Frontiers review. He said, “With a revelatory open world to zip around and entertaining boss battles alongside the more traditional Cyber Space levels, Sonic Frontiers is the best that Sega’s hedgehog has been for years.”

Source: Twitter

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