GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition Steam version now available

Grand Theft Auto GTA Trilogy Definitive Header

Rockstar has announced that GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition is out now on Steam and will be coming to the Epic Games Store later this month.

The triple pack of remastered classics originally launched in late 2021 for consoles and PC, via Rockstar’s own game launcher. However, it’s fair to say that the remasters weren’t universally acclaimed among gamers and critics. Although it gives fans a better way of playing the GTA Trilogy on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, these updated versions of the three classics were plagued by technical issues. This even resulted in Rockstar temporarily pulling the game from sale on PC.

To commemorate the GTA Trilogy Steam launch, the game will be 50% off until February 2nd. The package includes the third, fourth, and fifth mainline entries in the series including Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas. All three have been upgraded with improvements to visuals such as lighting, draw distance, textures, and other environmental details. The shooting is less unwieldy too, with a reworked targeting system that brings the games closer to GTA V in terms of gameplay.

It was definitely one of 2021’s biggest gaming disappointments. However, in our review, we weren’t overly scathing:

If you’re coming into Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy expecting each game to look and play like GTA V, prepare for disappointment at a passionless upscaling effort. On the flipside, if you fancy reliving these open world wonders with some of their rougher gameplay edges sanded down, prepare to lose yourself for sixty hours or more.

Without rebuilding these games from the ground up, it was clear that the GTA Trilogy wouldn’t live up to the high expectations of fans. However, Rockstar didn’t help matters with its stingy approach to sharing gameplay and media access ahead of the games’ re-release.

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.