What We Played #593 – Destiny 2: Lightfall, Sniper Elite & Before Your Eyes

Destiny 2 Strand
Destiny 2 Strand

While many parts of the UK have been blanketed by snow, the south of the country has just been cold and windy and wet, which isn’t anywhere near as fun and has far less chance of getting you out of work or school.

Either way, it makes sense that I’ve continued on with my PSVR 2 escapades this past week. Before Your Eyes has been a touching game to experience for the first time, and its blink-based interactions work very well in the new headset. I also rounded off our review for Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge, which was decent but showed its Meta Quest roots. Oh, and I got to go hands (face?) on with Switchback VR. Expect a preview of that early next week before we get a review together for its release.

As we go round the regulars, we’ll start with Tuffcub this week, who’s been playing his usual Destiny 2. Unfortunately, he’s been playing it with the latest year-long expansion for review and, “It’s been very very painful. Ugh.”

Destiny 2 Lightfall

While he’s continued to make his way through God of War Ragnarok, Gamoc also played some Destiny 2, but the older Destiny 2 stuff that was thrown onto PS+ a couple months ago. “It threw me into a story mission, had no idea what was happening, eventually got to a boss I couldn’t beat and turned it off,” he said, which speaks to the game’s awkwardness for new or returning players these days.

Nick P had his regulars of Dead by Daylight and Marvel Snap on the go this week, and his fellow Nic B also had his Marvel Snapping and Pokémon Go-ing as per usual. However, he and his other half are close to grabbing the platinum trophy in Hogwarts Legacy – “it’s just dealing all the standard collectible bloat for the final trophy.

Ade’s sneaking closer and closer to the end of Sniper Elite 4, which he continues to enjoy. “Although player character Karl is a bit of a weirdo,” he says, “as he takes great delight in sniping Nazi’s gonads from miles away. Oh wait, that’s me!”

Steve had a quick run through Resident Evil 4 HD in preparation for the remake dropping later this month, and rounded off his review of the “charming but slight” Figment 2, which we’ll be publishing soon.

And finally, Aran failed to heed the warnings of Nick’s review and played Foreclosed – “Excellent artwork, but gameplay was a bit of a let down due to poor gunplay and stealth.” Luckily he made up for that misstep by starting on the excellent Midnight Suns, and has been reviewing DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos.

Now then, what have you been playing this past week?

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

1 Comment

  1. This week, I played only very little with my PSVR2, as I conclude it’s somehow incompatible with my eyes. Or I just need much longer to get used to it than with the first PSVR. Which is a shame, and I don’t seem to be the only one struggling, even if there don’t seem to be too many affected. And, of course, I still hope and try to find a way I can use this thing.

    So, I finished the story of Spider-Man, which was good fun. I also played some more Eden, which is currently the only benefit I have from my Plus premium subscription. It’s such an excellent game, I keep playing this after 15 years now. But then, I could also just play it on my PS3.

    I played bits of Flat Heroes, FIFA, NMS, Call of the Mountain, and also started Man of Medan from my backlog, which is promising, but I can’t say much about it yet.

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