It looks like Scorn will be coming to PlayStation

Xbox exclusive Scorn may be heading to PlayStation in the near future as the official Twitter feed for the game has been making some less than subtle hints. You will no doubt be aware of Sony’s triangle, circle, cross and square logo for the PlayStation brand, something the official Score Twitter feed is referencing.

Here’s triangle…

And here’s cross, or if you prefer, X, the 24th letter of the alphabet and the sign used to mark treasure on a map or multiply numbers.

This one is a little more obtuse, it’s the word circle in Morse Code

So we just need Square and we have the full set.

If you need reminding of Scorn – and frankly if you saw it the first time you probably don’t – here it is.

We gave the game 7/10 when it was released 8 months ago. “Scorn is clearly a labour of grotesque love, feeling unlike almost any other game out there”, said Steve. “The alien are satisfying, the lack of handholding adds to the sense of a hostile world, and the nihilistic drive of the game in subjecting your character to further degradation really makes it stand out. It is a game that will live long in the memory, but it is the very definition of a divisive experience.”

Source: Twitter

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.

1 Comment

  1. Trailer makes this look chilling and creepy. Will add it to the backlog!

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