No Man’s Sky update 4.38 fixes crashes, PC performance

no mans sky update patch notes psvr 2

No Man’s Sky update 4.38 has been released by Hello Games. The new patch is now available to download and is mainly focused on a number of PC fixes aimed at improving stability and performance.

You can catch the latest change log for No Man’s Sky update 4.38 below.

No Man’s Sky Update 4.38 | Patch Notes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a memory issue in the renderer.
  • Fixed a number of memory issues which could lead to crashes in rare circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause players textures to appear metallic.
  • Improved shader usage on PC.
  • Improved load times on PC.
  • Introduced a significant optimisation for Nintendo Switch to reduce hitching.

Boasting one of the most controversial video game launches of the modern era, No Man’s Sky is also one of the industry’s biggest turnarounds. In the lead up to its 20XX release, it had been touted as an endless spacefaring sandbox where friends could explore together. However, those who picked up a copy of No Man’s Sky 1.0 quickly realised that no such traditional multiplayer options existed, and while the game’s scale was truly impressive, core features and content felt lacking. For developer Hello Games, this was their first major AAA title, having previously worked on 2D stunt sim, the Trials-like Joe Danger. After going dark for a period of months, they would emerge with details of the first big No Man’s Sky update, Foundation, which introduced base building and a slew of new game mechanics. Since then there have been numerous expansions – all of them free, and each one surprising fans by adding yet another layer of depth or refinement. Needless to say, the game will feel completely different now to when it did back in 2016, having also arrived on other platforms including Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Mac, and even PlayStation VR 2.

The most recent update – Interceptor – has a focus on Sentinel technology, introducing a new Sentinel Interceptor Starship to add to your fleet, as well as new tools, technology, and appearance options to customise. Another major part of the Interceptor update is the addition of Corrupted Planets. These are easy to identify thanks to the presence of ominous purple crystals, as well as powerful new Sentinel enemies, their refined AI making them even more of a challenge to fight and evade.

As we march into the second half of 2023, there are no signs of Hello Games slowing down their efforts to expand No Man’s Sky even further. It’s been a remarkable comeback and although there will be some gamers who still feel duped and jaded by that initial 1.0 release, Hello Games have worked hard to make NMS an essential gaming experience.

Source: No Man’s Sky