Temtem will not have major updates after this year

Crema has announced that following updates 1.7 and 1.8, Temtem will not have any more major updates. The team has already confirmed that there will be no more new islands, more Tems, or new additions to multiplayer. In a lengthy open letter, Crema stated the reasons as to why this is the case, and that there is a new project in development, that is not Temtem: Swarm, nor is it a full on sequel.

The gist is that Temtem update 1.7 will be almost a standard update, including a new Tamer and Tamer Pass, but there is also one major change coming to. When 1.7 is released all of the microtransactions from Temtem will be removed. Novas will no longer be purchasable, but if you do have some you will still be able to use them to buy cosmetics. Things that are currently only purchasable using Novas will be able to be bought using Feathers instead, including Tamer Passes. When update 1.8 is released all Tamer Passes will be available to choose from, including their premium tracks, you can switch between passes without losing progress, and steps will be taken to minimise instances where items could be missed out on. There are no plans to close the game and its servers after 1.8. Instead there will be smaller balance patches released to make the game more enjoyable.

Crema has also addressed the rumours that Temtem: Swarm, the latest game announced for the franchise, started life off as an Arcade Bar game. The Arcade Bar is set to be released at some point and will contain small games. Crema has stated that Swarm was not an Arcade Bar game concept, but will not be adding a stripped back version of Swarm to the Arcade Bar, though whether it will be ready for update 1.7 is unknown.

In a concluding paragraph, Crema wrote, “We understand many players feel like Temtem has a lot more potential to unlock, and that it is not all it could be, but for us that doesn’t take away from the fact that we’re actually very happy with the final product. We’re so excited to see how much Temtem has grown, and feel like the final product is a complete experience, and a very enjoyable one at that. When we set out on this journey we couldn’t even dream of reaching this point, of having created a game with so much content, that provides hundreds of hours of joy and fun, and we’re proud of everything we’ve achieved and created. While it’s not a perfect game, and we’ve learned so, so much from it, we cherish this not-so-little game of ours. “

You can read the full open letter on the official Temtem website.

Source: Crema

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.