A PlayStation VR 2 PC adapter has been certified in South Korea, it’s been discovered, as the company works to make their VR headset compatible with PC VR platforms later this year.
Approved in South Korea at the end of March, the device has yet to be announced publicly, but was expected to be necessary after Sony announced the PC compatibility plan earlier this year.
While PSVR 2 connects to the PS5 directly via the USB-C port on the front of the console, this is far from guaranteed to be possible on desktop PCs or laptops. USB-C ports have become a ubiquitous standard across countless devices, but PSVR 2 has specific demands that might not be met by PCs without an adapter. Specifically, the USB-C port on the PS5 is able to combine sufficient power throughput, data transfer and video to get the headset working, but USB-C ports on PCs are often data and low power only.
It’s not clear if this adapter will be mandatory for use on PC. There was a brief period where Nvidia featured a VirtualLink USB-C port on their GeForce 20 series GPUs, and AMD included them on their reference Radeon RX 6000 series, though newer GPUs and third party designs have dropped this feature. However, early experimentation with PSVR 2’s USB-C connection on PC has demonstrated that it does carry signals for VirtualLink Alt mode.
In theory, then, the only requirement for VirtualLink equipped PCs would be to install the software driver – there’s already limited PC support added into a recent firmware update – while an adapter dongle will provide support for all other PC users.
The addition of PC support for PSVR 2 was announced back in February around the first anniversary of the headset’s release. “We’re pleased to share that we are currently testing the ability for PS VR2 players to access additional games on PC,” they said, “to offer even more game variety in addition to the PS VR2 titles available through PS5. We hope to make this support available in 2024, so stay tuned for more updates.”
via UploadVR