
Dylan Jobe Loves His RAM

Developer can’t get enough of the memory stuff.

‘Starhawk’ Entering Next Phase

‘Starhawk’, the sequel to Warhawk, starting to take shape?

Warhawk Is Dead, Long Live Starhawk

New trademark strongly hints at likely Warhawk sequel, giving further weight to the rumoured space-based gameplay.

Warhawk Director Leaves Incognito

Jobe leaves. We are sad. Jobe gets another job. We are happy. Jobe signs a deal. We are smug.

Warhawk Home Walkthrough

Dylan Jobe shows off the Warhawk Home Space. Looks pretty cool.

TSA: Warhawk Night

(Update2) On TSA you are always somebody’s prey. Kicking off the community section in style.

Warhawk Demo Sucks

Still not played Warhawk? Well, the free demo won’t sway you.

Fallen Star Now Up

Want to get Fallen Star, right now? Do ya? Read on, cowboy.

Warhawk 1.5 Patch Up

Get yer Trophies here! Well, not yet, PSN is still down.

TSAN: Warhawk Fallen Star

Warhawk’s Fallen Star – join TSA on release night – password ‘woof’

Warhawk: Fallen Star

Get ready to get back into the skies, pilot, Fallen Star is coming.

Warhawk Update Revealed

Trophies, tutorials, paint schemes and single-person flying devices.

Warhawk: Fallen Star

New Warhawk Booster Pack gets a name. And Jetpacks.

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