Word Play? We’ll Give You Word Play

Nintendo has gone all reggae with its latest game, Ghost Squad. As this advert shows, Ghost Squad has been developed “Wii Sega”, the only thing missing being a “mon” on the end. But what is really going to set the ‘net ablaze is the way the advert uses ‘clever’ and ‘witty’ wordplay to disparage the PS3.

Wii Sega, mon!

At TSA however, wii say to Nintendo, “Wii sii your word play, and raise you this!”*

Wee Ports – Old, crap Nintendo games past to be made available to gullible, fanboy nutjobs, so Nintendo can further line its pockets, and the rest of us can laugh at fanboy attempts to justify the purchase of said games.

Welda – See how quickly you can repair cars and planes using the inspired sparking blowtorch add-on. Apparently, a bonus level involves repairing Xbox 360s by re-welding the constantly melting weakspots. Testers reported this as the hardest part of the game, with a minimal success rate.

Incite Ruck – Hooligan simulator, taking the best of Wii Boxing, and allying it to new, foot-mounted nunchuks for the ultimate in skinhead-inspired beat-em-ups.

Wario Bare – A bit of a departure for Nintendo…

Raper Mario – Honestly, Ninty you really are letting yourself go.

* Resistance: Fall of Mandy actually made us LOL.