Activision’s £40 iOS Game Is Bringing Skylanders To Mobile

In order to be a success these days, handheld games have to be priced as cheaply as possible, right? I mean, 69p iOS games are so successful while those pesky £40 Vita cards are such a flop at retail. Well, Activision – ever the lover of plastic peripherals and enthusiastic pricing – are hoping to challenge that assumption.

According to the scoop from Dave Scammell on, the oft-rumoured Skylanders iOS game is a reality, it’s going to cost £39.99 and it might be out as soon as next week. His report is based on Smyths Toys website listing the product, as well as a nod from a source who wishes to remain anonymous. Now, usually we’d urge caution with “anonymous sources” but Dave’s a great bloke and a great professional so I’d certainly trust he’s got his facts straight before hitting publish.

The game will come with a bluetooth version of the Portal of Power, three Skylanders figures – Cynder, Jet-Vac and a special edition Royal Double Trouble and three Skylanders iOS apps, as well as a Platinum Treasure Chest which is exclusive to iOS and unlocks digital content. It’s called Skylanders Battlegrounds, although Smyths is listing it as Skylanders Giants iOS. Your existing Skylanders figures will work with the app, too.

Apparently, there are no plans for an Android version.



  1. How are they going to sell the game (app from App store) and a hardware device at the same time?
    Are they going to include some kind of codes in the retail package or is the actual game on the App Store free since you’ll need the hardware to make the game work?

    • I’d imagine the latter. You can’t have “hidden” games on the app store (other than “hidden among all the other crap”), so I can’t think of any other way they’d do it.

  2. If this sells well it sets a dangerous precedent for app store prices. We’ll have to wait and see how it does of course, but I would rather carry on paying 69p – £4.99 for games.

  3. Its in the best interests of consumers to completely avoid buying this at such an inflated price. Having said that, common sense often takes a back seat, and if overpricing will work anywhere other than consoles, it’ll be iOS.

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