Epic Cans Infinity Blade: Dungeons

In the latest Epic Games podcast, Chair Entertainment Founder and Creative Director, Donald Mustard, confirmed that Infinity Blade: Dungeons has been officially cancelled.

Talking about the popular iOS roleplaying series, Mustard explained how Dungeons had been ditched following the closure of former developer, Impossible Games. After the studio had been shuttered Epic’s Tim Sweeney originally said the game has been “put on hold.”

Dungeons, as the name suggests, was to be a top-down action RPG somewhat akin to Gameloft’s Dungeon Hunter. Instead of one-on-one duels, players would gear up and take down hordes of creatures and machinations. Setting it apart either further was its trademark presentational value, championing the Unreal Engine once more on iOS devices.

Mustard pointed out that this isn’t the end for Infinity Blade. Chair Entertainment is committed to the IP and will continue to produce games and books as well as other related products for the brand.