As sure as the sun will set a new Football Manager is coming this year with Sports Interactive confirming the popular management sim will be releasing in mid November. That includes Football Manager 2020 Touch and Football Manager 2020 mobile. The Switch version will follow a couple of weeks later for late November. The studio also confirmed that Football Manager 2020 will be available on Google Stadia, the tech giant’s new game streaming service.
Sports Interactive’s Mike Jacobson had this to say on the Stadia release.
“Football Manager on Stadia includes technology that is only available on that platform, utilising the power of the cloud and Google’s data centres to ensure that more matches can be processed in parallel utilising spare bandwidth across the whole system – this means you can have more leagues loaded into your save, or just go for a faster experience by keeping the amount of leagues the same, but having the matches process quicker than you can on any other platform.”
Those who pre-purchase Football Manager 2020 will get two weeks early beta access to the game on PC and Mac, with all the progress made carrying over to the full release. The beta will not be available on Google Stadia. Pre-orders also have a 10% discount compared to the launch price. Sports Interactive has stated it won’t be talking about Football Manager 2020’s features until mid September, where information about any changes to the gameplay and new additions will be revealed.
Source: Press Release