Astroneer lands on PS4 in November, Explorer update out this week on PC and Xbox One

System Era Softworks and Gearbox Publishing has confirmed that interplanetary exploration title Astroneer will be released on November 15th for PS4, and that version of the game will feature exclusive skins. Astroneer had a full release on Xbox One and PC back in February after two years of being in early access on Steam. In the game players can explore the worlds, gather resources, build various structures and create vehicles. Astroneer will be released both digitally and physically, with those who pre-order also getting an exclusive theme which includes music from the game.

Joe Tirado, Communications Director, System Era Softworks said:

“The curious minds exploring, terraforming, and unearthing every corner of the Astroneer galaxy make for a collective pioneering spirit echoing that of space travel itself. We are thrilled for PlayStation 4 pioneers to join this universe and share amazing stories from the stars.”

PC and Xbox One players aren’t going to be missing out as this week, September 4th to be precise, the Explorer update will be rolled out for Astroneer. The Explorer update will add jetpacks and the jump jet, a new camera for a photo mode, and new items to sort through in the game.

Source: Press Release

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.