Assassin’s Creed Valhalla mythical beasts gameplay and missions revealed

Ubisoft have peeled back a little more of the gameplay mysteries surrounding Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, revealing some new gameplay surrounding the mythical beasts you can encounter in 9th century England.

The mythical elements include the Daughters of Lerion, the Black Shuck and the Lost Drengr of Ragnar Lodbrok. The video digs into each of these elements, exploring their origins and how you’ll encounter them in the game. The Black Shuck, for example, combines all the possible meanings and interpretations to create a big black shaggy dog that is the Devil incarnate.

The Daughters of Lerion are then a bit of an East Anglian reference to Shakespeare and the legends that inspired him, and you’ll deal with the Lost Drengr of Ragnar Lodbrok, a legendary viking who came to England about 10 years before the game, and got up to all sorts of trouble. His mischief was put to an end, leaving behind six Drengr who were his warriors. Now without purpose, you’re going to help them meet a glorious end and secure their place in the actual Valhalla.

These stories are not part of the main story, but can be found simply while exploring the world.

AC Valhalla follows Eivor as they leave Norway and seek to found a new home in England. Eivor can be either male or female and is heavily customisable. A returning element will be creating a village settlement that acts as the hub for Eivor and their fellow Vikings, which you’ll be looking to grow through your time with the game, with the story centered around this element (and potential romances as well). A raven is to be Eivor’s animal companion to help explore the world, replacing the eagles from previous Assassin’s Creed games.

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Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla will be out on 17th November for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia. It will also release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. For the home consoles, there are free cross-gen upgrades, with one way using Smart Delivery on Xbox.

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