Warhammer: Odyssey devs talk launch date, endgame content, and more

There’s a new Warhammer game coming (yes, another one!) and if, like us, you’re particularly fond of the original fantasy tabletop game then this is one you’ll want to keep your eye.

Warhammer: Odyssey is an upcoming MMORPG from developer Virtual Realms, whisking mobile players off to The Old World where they’ll battle the forces of Chaos and other terrors plaguing the allied races.

From what we’ve seen of Warhammer: Odyssey, it’s a fully fledged entry in the MMO genre and one that will have you exploring cities and other regions as you character gradually levels up. We reached out to Virtual Realms co-founder, James York, for more information.

TSA: What is it like working with Games Workshop? How much creative freedom is given when approaching Warhammer world/character designs and storytelling?

York: Games Workshop have been great to work with. We have good communication which is helped a lot by the fact we both care about this game feeling right for Warhammer. So whilst our number one priority is giving the players a world that is recognisably Warhammer to anyone who plays the tabletop game or reads Black Library novels it’s not to say we don’t have the opportunity to add our own little entry to the lore from time to time.

TSA: What PvP content will feature in Warhammer: Odyssey?

York: Our priority early on is to get the PvE side of the game feeling good, PvP isn’t forgotten though and we have some ideas on how we’re going to implement it in the future.

TSA: What iOS device versions will support Warhammer: Odyssey?

York: For iOS devices an iPhone 6s is the oldest device we would recommend, however for best performance and full visuals you’ll want to play on a more recent device.

TSA: Do you have any history with the Warhammer Online MMO from 2008?

York: As developers no, as players yes. That said, Warhammer Odyssey is a very different game, more on the RPG end of the MMORPG spectrum.

TSA: What’s the level cap at launch and what endgame activities can players expect?

York: At full global launch the level cap will be 50, although I guess that doesn’t really tell you much, a level could take 10 minutes or 10 hours. In terms of end game content there will be dailies and open world boss encounters to take on for gear. Shortly after launch we intend to follow up with instanced dungeon and raid encounters. For us this is a multi year project that will grow and evolve over time, so expect lots of new content, systems and features that won’t be included at launch.

TSA: Can we expect additional playable classes post-launch?

York: It’s not out of the question but not scheduled, our priority is to continue developing the in game experience first, that said we do have some pretty cool concepts left over from our original player character pass that it would be a shame to let go to waste!

TSA: Do you have a launch date set?

We do but we’re not quite ready to reveal it yet. We’re hoping to have some news regarding both soft launch and full release date very soon, so be sure to keep track via our official website and Facebook page for more news about that!

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.