Apex Legends Season 8 Kings Canyon map changes revealed

When it kicks off next week on 2nd February, Apex Legends Season 8 is going to once again make some sweeping changes to Kings Canyon, the original map from the game.

Having illustrated this with an explosive cinematic trailer last week, Respawn have now detailed exactly what’s new and different.

The goal with the changes was to open up a new area of the map to explore (done by exploding and crashing a ship into the map!), make the north west more attractive as a drop point with better rotations through those northern areas, remove some obvious 3rd partying chokes, and also add some new high-ground opportunities.

The new area is Crash Site which, as you might’ve guessed, is where the ship has crashed up in a previously inaccessible part of the map. It can be reached through the throughly destroyed Artillery area, while the tunnel to the side of Artillery has been breached to allow for another access point.

All of this feeds into Spotted Lakes, an area that replaces Slum Lakes which was wiped out by flooded, contaminated waters from the crash. ECHO camps have been set up to thematically clean up the fuel that spots this water, and it looks like a more cohesive, less slap-dash area. Another route to this area has been opened from The Pit, while a more sheltered path now exists to get you to Runoff and Airbase behind some giant bones uncovered by the attack on the region.

ECHO camps have also been set up down the central river through the map, which feature four observation towers that will provide ideal sniping vantage points, while Explosive Holds replace Season 5’s bunkers to give looting opportunities – though they’ll make plenty of noise as you blow them open!

Respawn have also sought to reduce some of the ‘sweatier’ play through the map, simply removing the Farm from the map as one of the main culprits.

Source: Respawn

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