Dying Light 2 death loop bug fixed in new update

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Dying Light 2 has reportedly fixed one of its most frustrating bugs in a new update. When the survival horror sequel launched earlier this month, a number of players reached out to developer Techland, highlighting the so-called death loop bug which would having protagonist, Aiden, die over and over.

The Polish studio has been busy working on patches since release day with a new update out now on PC. Hopefully a console patch for the PlayStation and Xbox versions isn’t far behind.

Alongside this Dying Light 2 update, Techland has dropped its second part of the Authority Pack DLC. This includes three pieces of gear inspired by the tyrannical Peacekeeper faction.

Here’s exactly what’s been fixed in today’s PC patch:

  • Fix for the death loop bug. It prevents players from new cases and fixes the existing ones.
  • Added Backup Save system that allows players to rollback the game progress and their inventory to the last game’s secure storyline save point.
  • Added support for the block, active landing, and jump attack rebindings on the keyboard.

So far, the game has enjoyed mostly favourable reviews while also racking up some pretty high player count stats over on SteamDB.

In our Dying Light 2 review we scored the survival horror sequel a 7/10. Although there have been some clever refinements, we also ran into some issues. Here’s what we had to say:

“Dying Light 2 expands and refines a formula Techland has been peddling since its breakout success with Dead Island. This sequel learns a lot from modern open world video games, its massive, zombie-infested sandbox rarely feeling empty, especially as you breeze through city blocks with a Mirror’s Edge-like finesse. However, Dying Light 2 inherits the same problems – a dull story, tiresome combat, and character progression that’s a tad too sluggish.”

In a follow up, we’ve since dissected the sequel further, examining how the game is less scarier than the original.

Check back for more Dying Light 2 news, updates, guides, and features.

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Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.