Monster Hunter Rise digital event announced for April 19th

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There will be a Monster Hunter digital event on April 19th, Capcom has confirmed, and will be streamed at 7am PDT/ 15:00 BST. This event will be focused on what players can expect in free title update 5 for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, including the return of an Elder Dragon. The event itself will be hosted by character Dame Fiorayne.

Not much has been given away in the teaser though it does show some gameplay from Monster Hunter Rise’s fifth title update. What is known is that the event will confirm when title update 5 will be released, along with all of the new content that players will be able to get their hands on.

In our Monster Hunter Rise PC review, Dom said:“Rise was a stunning showcase for the Switch, but it is still a handheld powered by rapidly ageing hardware and that put some constraints on the game. What might the game be like with some actual processing power behind it? The answer is that it’s more or less perfect, though anyone expecting Rise to suddenly match Monster Hunter World’s level of visual fidelity should have their expectations tempered somewhat.”

Source: Capcom

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.