Baby Steps new gameplay trailer reveals lack of grappling hook

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The PlayStation Direct opened with another look at the QWOP-meets-basement-dweller walking simulator. The game is coming out summer 2024 for PS5 and PC.

There’s a weird sense of humour to Baby Steps as Nate is thrown out into the open world to literally relearn how to walk and do stuff outside. There’s a neat looking ability to choose your own path through the world a little bit, the trailer showing how to try to walk up a muddy incline, then trying to go up some rocks, before taking the less obvious path across some posts and a tree.

That’s when you bump into one of those outdoorsy types who handily points out a grappling point… for your grappling hook… that you… don’t actually have.

It’s a strange looking game, but I’m certainly curious to see how it turns out.

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