‘Adaption Shooter’ Ascendant gets an open beta weekend in August

Ascendant Infinity header

PlayFusion has announced an open beta weekend for their upcoming ‘Adaption Shooter’ Ascendant. The game will be free for all and sundry to play at the start of August. The Ascendant open beta weekend will take place from 3rd to 4th August on PC via Steam or Ascendant.com.

The specific dates and times for the Ascendant open beta are:

  • STARTS: Saturday 3rd August: 10am ET (USA) / 3pm BST (UK) / 4pm CET (EU)
    ENDS: Sunday 4th Aug: 11.59pm midnight ET (USA)

Now, you might fairly be asking, what is an adaption shooter? It’s a new term that developer PlayFusion has cooked up to explain their fresh take on the extraction shooter style, emphasising the changeable game map that players in which players will battle for supremacy as they fight to capture Biocores.

This is a 3v3v3v3 shooter, with teams heading into each match with the goal of capturing at least one of three Biocores that will be made available over the course of the match. Through a match, they’ll be able to earn cash to spend on weapon and shield upgrades, as well as make use of map elements that are different each time you play. Some rounds will open up a rocket barrage tower, others will let you capture and use a Deathbringer tank, or open up the underground tunnels, and more. You’ll have to adapt to what each match offers you, and to what the other teams are trying to pull off themselves.

Coming from a team founded by former Jagex developer, PlayFusion announced Ascendant back in January as Ascendant Infinity, but has now trimmed off the fat from the title – the marketing does list it as Ascendant.com, just to get you straight to the game’s website.

We’ve been hands on with the game twice now, and in today’s preview, I said, “While the somewhat cheesy 80s aesthetic is the hook, there’s plenty going on with Ascendant that helps differentiate it from other extraction shooters, from how the map and modifiers are remixed for each match, to the social space that you can mess around in between games.”

Read our full Ascendant preview for more.

Source: Ascendant.com

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!