Tecmo Claim 450,000 Sold

Sigma is the turning point in the PS3’s life so far (a bit like this website, but more expensive) – this next week marks E3, and then the torrent of AAA games head our way, with Lair, Heavenly Sword and Singstar (we’re European, it’s a big deal to us) in the next few weeks, and the likes of MGS4, GT 5 Prologue and *gulp* Killzone due later.

So whilst it’s been a bit of a dry spell most gamers are desperate for the next big thing, which Sigma certainly is. The claims of 450,000 sold are technically ‘shipped’ rather than to the end user, but at least the retailers are aware of the need for such a game right now.

It’s also rather brilliant, and we’ll have the full TSA review very soon.