As we mentioned last month Insomniac are working on Resistance 2, and we can today reveal some more details on what is going to be one incredible game this Christmas. On some levels it even surpasses what we’ve seen in Killzone 2.
Firstly, we were right about the new game being set in the US, with the main campaign taking Hale right across the States after being shot down in Iceland, but this time there’s not just 2 player local co-op but also 8 player co-op over PSN, which is a first. But get this – there’ll also be 60 player online battles, all squad based (with lobbies for each 4-8 man team) and there’s even classes such as Medic, Heavy and Special Ops.

Levels will have randomised sections so certain areas will be different each time you play, boss fights will revolutionise how FPS tackle the bigger guys and of course new weapons, enemies and vehicles. For more see the exclusive article in next month’s American Game Informer magazine.