We’ve still not heard if the sexual health game ‘Privates’has made it past the pre-publication peer review process for Xbox games but judging by the trailer XBox owners will miss out on a very amusing game if it does not get the green light.
How can you not love a game with a helpful sign informing you “Welcome to the Anus”?
Awesome, that was so funny!
OMG , i knew there was something to do with sex ed with this game but… welcome to the anus? :S
A LBP2 for adults??
LBP2 for 14 year old boys more like
And gendtleman, tihs is the Xbox response to PS3’s LittleBigPlanet.
Danza Di Fuoco
looks ace! “I’ll bring you back a present”
pac man sperm?????
Oh dear. Gaming has died within an instant.
I agree. I’d say you’d have to be pretty immature to truly enjoy this game.
An undoubted fantasy for the ‘stereotypical gamer.’ But for the rest of us? (You have gone through puberty?)
I reckon it kinda lowers the tone of Live/ PSN.
Get over yourselves! This is just shallow, base fun. Just because it’s not Oscar Wilde doesn’t mean it isn’t funny and every bit as welcome on my console as Uncharted, LBP or Gran Turismo.
I like lots of different types of comedy but even the ones I don’t like, I’m glad they exist because we need variety in order to have preference. You want censorship?
Do you honestly think this will be a good game?
In any way?
I don’t want censorship, I just want good games!
I’d be intreagued to find out exactly how you’d get this Xbox title on the same console as Uncharted, LBP or Gran Turismo! ;-)
yeah i’m pretty sure this isn’t going to be good. its just shock value and complete none sense for people who still laugh at the word bum (tehe “bum”)
This game looks the shit. :P
Er, i think a lot of you have missed the point! it’s supposed to be educational, so younger gamers can get a bearing on sexuality, it’s not supposed to be deliberatly shocking, it’s trying to educate in a fun manner.