New Dragon Ball Game Heading To The DS

I love Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z (not so much Dragon Ball GT), so the news of a new game heading to Nintendo’s DS is pleasing.  Titled ‘Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butouden’, the game is set to release in Japan early next year.  Previous DS games have made the journey over to our side of the pond, so I see no reason as to why this one would be any different. 

According to the latest issue of ‘Jump’, it looks like Namco Bandai has implemented a simplified control scheme, which includes shouting at the DS to do special attacks!  Picture that on a crowded train…”KAMEHAMEHA!!”

Source: Andriasang


  1. Awesome i too love Dragon Ball and Z. Is this the sequel to the rpg game for the ds?

    • Nevermind pictures weren’t working for me, i now see that this is no rpg.

  2. I like the idea of voice system … just not on a train :P

  3. It looks really good but Wait can I shout?


    Theres also a new arcade game which looks amazing called Dragonball Zenkai: Battle Royale. I hope it gets a release on consoles.

  4. I like the screens but not the idea of calling out your attacks.

  5. Dragonball Kai kind of annoys me, we wait for a decade after the UK airing of DB/Z/GT and then this.
    I seen it listed on an anime website at the start of the year, reaction “OMG Dragonball Kai !!” *changes underwear*
    Then it turns out to be an abridged version of DBZ with improved animation (in parts) and about six minutes of deleted content added in. Robbed of a new season.

    • Yeah i read a bit about this its just dragon ball z with the boring bits cut out. P.S. i like all of them bits.

      • I know, the fight between Freiza and Goku took about an entire year pan out but that was quite good because you knew what was gonna happen towards the end.

      • Exactly this. I was going to buy it as its on blu-ray but some of the voices have different actors and i’d much rather have the entire original on dvd. Yes it may be a ‘filler’ and boring to non-fans and they’re trying to appeal to newcomers by condensing it, but how about appealing to me and bringing the original to blu-ray :P

  6. Oh Dragonball Z, what ever happened to you?…

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