Games didn’t always include a multiplayer component. There was a time when games were all about the singleplayer and there wasn’t any strange added on multiplayer mode that they tried to fit in the game’s universe. Sure, there have been games such as Enslaved, Heavy Rain and God of War III this year that prove that not all games need an online multiplayer component, but there’s no denying that they are trying to add multiplayer to every game these days; it’s now a big part of gaming.
Is it really needed in every other game, though? To be honest, there are just a few games that completely dominate online multiplayer, namely Call of Duty. So, why should other games join the party and try and destroy them with their all new online mode when people will just go back to playing their favourites and levelling up in them? More and more sequels of singleplayer only games are getting multiplayer tacked on. There’s not much aside from ridiculous multiplayer trophies to drive us to keep playing them either.
I’m not saying some games don’t do it well, because I’m sure they can if it has really been worked on, but most of the time it ends up feeling as if it’s just been thrown on to a brilliant game. Now, there’s no point in complaining if the game is brilliant, but if we’re just getting half the potential with the singleplayer, then I really don’t like this idea; particularly when I can’t actually play it.
It’s not going to be a surprise when I say that multiplayer isn’t a big part of gaming for me, not anymore. At least not the online component; I’ve already talked about local multiplayer and how awesome that is. The singleplayer portions have always been my favourite part of most games, so I’m glad I’ve not lost that. There have been a few good singleplayer games this year, thankfully; I’ve really enjoyed Heavy Rain, God of War III and Fallout: New Vegas.
Fallout is a great example; it’s a game that you can sink hours into, levelling up as you go, without worrying about your online connection working. RPGs and online multiplayer games are both a very different experience, but the point is that you can have a lot of fun with both. I’ve recently leaned towards buying games with a longer solo campaign, so I can get my money’s worth, but I also like shorter campaigns, as long as they are completely action packed and really fun.
I loved Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, the story is great and there’s so much in it considering it’s only been a year since Assassin’s Creed 2. In fact, I loved it so much that I decided that I would go for the Platinum trophy; then I noticed the multiplayer trophies. It might be fun to play online, I don’t know yet, but multiplayer trophies force you to grind through the levelling system if you want to get the Platinum; not everyone wants to play it, but a lot of people want to show they are good at the game by achieving a Platinum trophy.
I really enjoyed the singleplayer in Black Ops and I’ve definitely enjoyed it more than the little time I’ve had to spend with the multiplayer; this shows that games don’t just need online to survive, even if Call of Duty is heavily based on the multiplayer section. Some games don’t even have a singleplayer mode, such as MAG, Warhawk or Team Fortress 2. This is great as it means they usually shine and can even be as good as the dominating multiplayer games.
Personally, I don’t mind tacked-on multiplayer if it’s just an additional thing, rather than a big design focus, but I’d rather games that don’t suit multiplayer (Bioshock 2, I’m looking right at you) don’t have it. Perhaps BioShock isn’t a great example, as the multiplayer was developed separately, but I would like to think that developers can still release good singleplayer games without the need for an addition of multiplayer, particularly when it isn’t needed.
Disclaimer: I wrote this before I came home and was reconnected but I was too busy with Uni work to finish it off; you can read my thoughts on being ‘back’ soon.
I like both sp and mp, totally depends on the game. I do love shooting yanks in the face on cod, but i also love a well told sp story. There’s a time and a place for both, but i agree all games don’t need mp. The reason they’re starting to include it more is the continual rise of pre-owned market, getting people to keep their copy, not trade it in, and increase first hand sales. Instead they should be trying to focus on other ways to get me to keep their game such as good, reasonably priced Dlc.
I couldn’t really care less about most multiplayer (especially online). There are the exceptions that benefit from it (and I’m not looking of COD which is one franchise I’d happily see die). Fifa, Modnation Racers, Motorstorm etc… all games that lose so much when you don’t have a group of friends round and a few beers.
I understand why developers feel the need to tack on multiplayer; they’re trying everything they can to put people off trading games in. The problem is that if everyone does it then it defeats the purpose. Either build a game around the multiplayer or leave it alone. Adding it when it’s not necessary either lowers the quality of the single player; creates a multiplayer setting that makes no sense; delays a game or leads to bad press because the multiplayer isn’t up to scratch.
Too many game live up to the line “jack of all trades, master of none”. That usually doesn’t give good press, sales or awards. Be great at something and you find a true fan base.
Bang on, fella. Blair is a young whipper-snapper compared to some of us here but is acutely aware (I’m sure) that the video game industry has been thriving almost from day one (let’s pretend it was around 30 years ago) and until recently, most games were single player or local co-op multiplayer. Online adds a new facet but, in my eyes, only as a tastefully handled option. Seeing it crowbarred into more and more unsettles me as I often feel like they’re taking away from the SP experience.
As long as devs realise that multiplayer (local or online) is something that doesn’t have to be shoehorned into each and every title, we’ll be fine. Then the real masterpieces of co-op Left 4 Dead (2) can flourish. Although I think scared Blair away last night with my zombie action. :-)
Some games are designed for it and work really well, including Left 4 Dead.
And you didn’t scare me away, Mike, it was pretty fun :)
Oh, absolutely. Warhawk was considered quite a risk when it went for no SP at all but look how well it was received? Hell, cc_star played that more than NFS:HP although give it time. :-)
I just wish the devs would stand up to the bean counters and say “no… no multiplayer. Stop trying to monetise everything we do and let us create something phenomenal. That’ll make more money and you’ll still get that yacht for your Christmas bonus, you soulless creation of hell”.
Or something like that.
im hoping dead space 2 has not been ruined by tacking on multiplayer and limiting the development time for the single player.
Dead Space 2 MP doesn’t fit the game at all…
Multiplayer is something I really want to like and go in with all best intentions but generally the charm fades for me in most games. I will say though that what Need for Speed done with Autolog is genius. Perfect for a player like me and i bet that idea will be used by other developers in some form or another.
Good read, I always buy a game based on the solo campaign. If it has a good multiplayer that is just a bonus. For me, it’s all about the campaign, whatever the title/genre.
Same. No matter what the game i will have a lengthy go at the solo campaign and then have a little look at the multiplayer. However i will only get into the multiplayer aspect seriously oce the solo campaign has been finished. I very rarely come back to the multiplayer aspect of a game once i’ve left it, MW and MW2 being one of the rare cases that i have continuously gone back to it, so what the solo campaign has will always clinch the deal for me.
The Darkness was a excellent game that didn’t need a multiplayer mode, I wonder what extra could’ve been done to one of the greatest FPS ever made EVER!. Online isn’t a huge issue do I really need games that have short campaigns with multiplayer?
Having the ability to join with four hunters over the quite low populated West ad-hoc party and Monster Hunter Tri is a spectacular and very awarding experience and that has led me away from online warfare its just boring now.
a inferior race
I read Rocket-Propelled Grenades and online multiplayer games are both a very different experience.
It does seem more and more games are going for the MP side now, as long as the SP is not being neglected then I am fine in handing over my money but as soon as the tides turn and its all about online then I may have to consider giving up the old console.
I quite liked Bioshock 2’s online multiplayer.
And Uncharted 2 is my current favourite online game.
Neither game needed an online component, but they worked quite well in my opinion.
I was going to say this, I loved the online portion of Bioshock 2! I’ve spent more time on that than the single player bit!
I also agree – I have to admit that I felt like Blair when I first heard about Bioshock having a multiplayer mode, as I felt that it simply didn’t need one. Bioshock was a deep, intrinsically woven story driven experience that just didn’t require it.
However, nearly a year or so later, I am still playing Bioshock 2 online – Granted, the meets that happen once a week have been a great help in my enjoyment of this title, but as multiplayer add-ons go, Bioshock 2 actually has one of the best that I have seen. The meets are always a good laugh & a great way of spending some of my weekend!
Origami Killer
Ive always enjoyed the SP aspects on games and mainly focus on it when ive bought a new game.
Ive enjoyed the likes of castlevania, heavy rain and prince of persia which dont include any MP at all.
i think many developers are pressurised to include MP now as seen in AC: brotherhood.
Today i failed to update Medal Of Honor and Resistance 2 so i spent a few hours just playing the SP and was very enjoyable