‘Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime’ Gets A Release Date

Just a few days after we showed you some slick-looking gameplay from the newest Ghostbusters game, we can now tell you when you’ll be able to play it. It’s coming to the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live and the PC on March 23.  The date was actually revealed via Atari’s Twitter feed.  We can’t say for certain whether or not it was a slip-up by whoever runs their Twitter account, but a tweet seems like a strange way to announce something as big as a release date.

Source: Twitter


  1. Even if it looks a bit samey, this looks heaps better than the last attempt – which was absolute toss.
    Will check it out come March! :)

  2. Is the original GB worth a play through?

    • I really liked it but I enjoy all sorts of stuff most people think is tripe so that’s not saying much. :D

      It’s worth a rental a least probably.
      I find the user reviews on Amazon quite useful, I like reading the bad ones then you can find out what the issues are people have been having.


      Sorry about the size of that, I’m unsure how to do those swish little links.

    • In fairness, it is a tad glitchy in places (like freezing a couple of times during the singleplayer & a couple of the multiplayer trophies sometimes require doing the same thing over again just ensure it pops), but other than that, i really enjoyed it. Enough to stick with it for the platinum at least! :)
      Depends on how big a fan you are of the films i guess – When it came out they said it was ‘technically’ the 3rd film
      & there’s bags of fan service throughout. I loved it, but as mentioned above, rent first if not sure.

  3. This looked a lot of (extremely frantic) fun in the video posted the other day, hopefully it’ll turn up with a demo and convince me.

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