Sony Responds To U.S. House of Representatives

Today, Sony took another step along the road to redeeming themselves after the PSN fiasco. Kaz Hirai submitted written answers to the House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce’s sub committee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade. The aim was clearly to outline some of the issues the company has faced in the wake of the now infamous “external intrusion”.

The full account can be accessed via the US PlayStation Blog but perhaps the most pertinent line comes is the disclosure that a file was found on the attacked Sony Online Entertainment server “named ‘Anonymous’ with the words ‘We are Legion.'” This has caused numerous sources around the internet to reignite their accusations that the famous, amorphous internet group was behind the attack after all.

In truth, it’s just as likely that the planted file was a show of support, a deliberate attempt to throw investigators off the scent or simply an aspiring hacker assuming justification for what he was doing could be found in some sort of thinly understood political allegiance. All other Anonymous sources have denied involvement.

Source: US PS Blog Thanks to multiple tipsters for pointing this out.


  1. Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if Anonymous is behind the attacks, it would fit with their holy war against Sony. Anyway, whoever it was, I hope they’ll be able to enjoy all the comforts of a small prison cell soon.

  2. Hackers are cnuts.

    • Amen to that.

      • agreed once it was cool to hack/crack networks just for the fun of a challenge – I guess those values are now gone.

        Pity cos it was a lot of fun.

  3. The problem i have with groups like anonymous is that they are just that anonymous nobody knows who they are witch means they don’t have to answer to anybody they can do what ever they want at least corporations like Sony have to abide by rules and laws or at least some of them

  4. If it is Anonymous, hopefully that means our details are safe and it was more an attack to destabilize Sony rather than make money off selling our details. It does sound very organized, I’m starting to feel more sorry for Sony now, it wasn’t like they had gaping flaws someone wandered through over the internet, it sounds like a very clever attack.

  5. I feel sorry for Sony right now, Annon or some other group are targeting the company with great vile and the ferocity of the attacks can only be from a feel of hate, which must have taken a big catalyst to ignite.

    I just hope whoever is responsible is found, preferably within the next 10 years, and the first place Sony check is their house (unlike the american government)

  6. I think the Anon file may have been left the hacker in an attempt to avoid getting caught.I am no fan of Anonymous but i doubt that they would steal details of customers just to spite the company.A DDOS attack seems more like their style. I hope the hacker is caught and sentence to life imprisonment.

    • DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service. Distributed to loads of people working together, strength in numbers. That is Anonymous’ style, not this.

  7. The question is, will they be able to effectively and physically get those responsible? I fear not. Despite Sony`s lack of secure I.T infrastructure, those responsible probably knew exactly what to do to cover their tracks.

    I read once, that large cooperation’s, MIT even the Pentagon are hacked yearly by hundreds of people, so obviously committed individuals will have the knowledge and means to make themselves untraceable.

    Its a pity, but Anonymous weather they are behind this attack officially or not have seriously fallen foul of the public and their values are meaningless.

  8. The only thing I want at the moment is psn :(

  9. It sounds like Anonymous could be the victims of their own infamy. But I suppose if your going to play with fire, sooner or later your gonna get burned and if this is true then I hope they get burned good. Nobody appointment them judge, jury and executioner for the internet.

  10. 1st geohot hacks into ps3, Sony sue him, Anonymous shut down the PSN in protest at Sony’s handling of the Geohot case, then Anonymous said something like we don’t want to hurt Sony’s customers just Sony so stopped the attack, the Geohot case was settled out of court, then this attack happens. if Sony found who did this latest hack and sue those responsible, would that lead to more attacks by either Anonymous or an individual or small group of hackers??? I now fear that this could just be the start of something that rolls on for months and a cycle of… Sony get hacked, Sony find and sue person(s) responsible for hack, other hackers don’t like Sony sueing person(s) so start another attack. I hope I’m wrong and this whole affair goes away as quick as it started

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