Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Detailed, Also Coming To 360

Konami’s pre-recorded show went live this morning and it seems to be a case of building on solid franchises. As part of this, the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, confirmed for PlayStation 3 earlier this year, has been announced for the Xbox 360 too.

Interestingly, the collection will include Metal Gear Solid 2, MGS 3 and Peace Walker, the excellent PSP title which has been ported up and given a graphical overhaul. As an added bonus for PlayStation owners, the PSP and PS3 save games for Peace Walker will be transferable. So, users can play to a point on their PSP and then hook it up to the PS3, transfer it and continue playing in HD. Lovely.

This will be the first time the classics have been available on Microsoft’s machine and it marks a widening of the multi-platform nature Konami indicated for the series with the unveiling of Rising last year and the announcement of Snake Eater for the Nintendo 3DS.

So, Metal Gear Solid on the Xbox 360. Who thought they’d never see the day? And how long before Metal Gear Solid 4 creeps over?

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is due for release on PS3 and 360 this November.

Source: 1UP


  1. XBOX owners (i own one btw!) don’t deserve this series *scarpers pretty sharpish ;P

    • PlayStation owners didn’t deserve the Bioshock or Mass Effect series but they got them anyway so I’d call it fair ;)

  2. Great news for both PS3/360 players. The more people who get to re-live MGS2/3 the better IMO.

  3. Great collection of games, though I want to get Snake Eater on the 3DS so I may give this collection a miss. Great news none-the-less, especially for 360 gamers who may not have checked out a MGS title before :)

  4. Excellent its coming to 360

  5. Even Better! xD
    I love Metal Gear Solid and that was the reason I bought PS3 when it was launched!
    I still got MGS1 disc on PS1 and PSP, Also still got Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater on PS2. Going to replay them all again ^^

  6. Awesome. Just awesome. I didn’t expect Peace Walker to be in there. And every game has to come with trophies now yeah? So there’s no way they can sneak out of it?…and I wonder if it’ll be substance and subsistence versions.

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