DoDonPachi Resurrection Heading To Europe

The DonPachi name might not mean anything to quite a few of you, but for those who love insane bullet hell shooters the news that DoDonPachi Resurrection is heading to Europe is very welcome indeed.

Due out on the Xbox 360 this November, Resurrection is the fifth game in CAVE’s flagship DonPachi series, only this time it will be in HD.

Other features include:

  • Home gamers can now experience Dodonpachi Resurrection the way it was intended for arcades
  • Challenge the complex scoring system of Arcade mode in full HD resolution with an arcade stick or Xbox 360 controller
  • Dodonpachi Resurrection for the Xbox 360 features a remixed mode “Arrange B” which adjusts itself according to the user’s play style
  • Exclusive to the console release, “Arrange A” is the second remixed mode
  • With every play-through, bullets increase or decrease according to skill
  • With each clear, enemies get harder to kill and more bullets fill the screen leading to incredible scoring opportunities
  • Borrows some gameplay mechanics from PS2 shooter classic and prequel “Daioujou” for a massive challenge
  • Compare your scores with the best of the best using the online leaderboards and replays.
  • Revered Black Label mode and enhanced Version 1.51 will be available as paid for DLC

Check out the game in action.

Source: Midlife Gamer


  1. Games like this are the reason I wish I had a 360 – PS3 seems to get fairly slim pickings for this genre in comparison, at least in Europe. D:

    That’s certainly some interesting trailer music there, though.

    • With this, Deathsmiles, Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun (on the way), the Xbox is getting a lot of use!

  2. So many much bright lights

  3. Why is there a girl in a school girl uniform next to the screen?

    • Considering how Japanese it is, I’d be more concerned if there WASN’T a girl in a school girl uniform next to the screen. :P

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