Cheap PC Gaming: Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2

After a three week hiatus, CPCG is back with what is probably my favourite game series of all time. I love a lot of games and there are IPs that can do no wrong as far as I’m concerned, be it Prince of Persia: Warrior Within or Front Mission 3, the Metal Gear Solid games or the Assassin’s Creed series, but nothing quite sticks out like Left 4 Dead. It was a relatively unique game when it released and, whilst it’s certainly inspired a lot of games since, it is still the only place for its style of gameplay.

I first played Left 4 Dead the day before it released on Steam and I still tell the story of my first experience with it now: I had a new-ish laptop I’d bought with birthday money and there was a demo out on Steam, so I downloaded it and tried it out. It ran well enough to play, so I did. In the subways of No Mercy, I stopped for a second to gather my bearings. I’d never heard of L4D before I decided to download the demo, so I knew nothing whatsoever before I started playing other than the fact that it involved zombies. I didn’t expect it to involve so many zombies, and I certainly hadn’t expected that Boomer to explode when I shot it, nor the horde of zombies that flocked to my newly-biled face.

[drop]However, I did make it to the first safe house and got to the second chapter. I was in the subways trying to gather myself when I heard it for the first time ever – something that creeped me out more than anything else had ever done. Crying echoed through the dank, run-down subway lines and I froze immediately. Even after the hunters, boomers, smokers and the many hordes, I was taken aback. I mean; crying? I inched forward, reloading my shotgun as I moved through a subway train, the crying growing louder, accompanied by a high, urgent background music that only brought my heart further into my throat.

Approaching the door on the far end, I saw something move – it was a deathly pale, red-headed female zombie sat on the floor. It was obvious she was the source of the ghostly whimpers that were echoing through my head and, as I approached, her head jerked and suddenly she was staring at me, glowing eyes locked on my face as if she could see me through the screen. She growled, louder and louder. There was no way around her and, not knowing anything about the game, I had no idea how stupid it was of me to be so close, nor how idiotic it was of me to shoot her in the face.

Obviously, you know all about the Witch in Left 4 Dead, or at least you should by now provided you ever leave your cave. I shot her in the face and before I knew what was happening I was on the floor incapacitated whilst she was looming over me tearing chunks out of my torso. The AI shot her down but I didn’t get back up – I turned the damn game off. Never had I jumped so violently; I almost knocked my laptop off the bed. I’m half-surprised I didn’t just jump out of the bedroom window to try and escape as if she was going to crawl through the screen like the girl from The Ring.

[drop2]And that is why I love Left 4 Dead. It doesn’t just provide great gameplay, it doesn’t even have particularly good graphics, being a Source engine game, but it creates stories. I’ve found myself telling the above story and a handful of others (the witch at the top of the ladder is one of my favourites, too) to various people. The mere mention of Left 4 Dead around anyone who has played it brings out a sharing of tales like they’re war stories from our own personal trip through the apocalypse. The random nature of the game and the way the Director reacts to how well you’re doing both serve as catalysts to keep the stories coming the more you play.

I haven’t even mentioned multiplayer yet. I’ve spent many hours playing multiplayer with headsets via Steam alongside and against many TSAers and it’s been the most fun I’ve had in a multiplayer game. There’s nothing quite like the planned and tactical approach that immediately appears when you’re friendly with your team mates and immediately devolves into running around like idiots when a tank appears. Shouting at the opposing team whilst watching your character helplessly being directed towards the edge of the No Mercy hospital roof because you accidentally wandered off a little too quickly and got caught by a jockey is simultaneously hilarious and heart pumping.

The experience would be nothing without the special infected, of course. They’re all works of genius that can ravage entire teams if they’re in the right hands at the right time, though none of them quite compare to the echoed whimpers of the witch and that terrible, brilliant music.

Left 4 Dead is available from Steam for £12.99 and Left 4 Dead 2 is £14.99. They’re also on sale on Steam reasonably often if you’re willing to wait. Both games are also available on Xbox 360 if that’s more your kind of thing. Specs for both games are available  through the links above, suffice to say here that Left 4 Dead released in 2008 so it is likely you own something that will let you get in on the zombie-slaying action.


  1. Everyone on TSA should get Left 4 Dead 2. End of. Don’t bother with the first, they are porting the campaigns from it over to the second. I’ve been putting together a competition so go and buy it! :D

    • I would but i don’t fancy playing a game that is 10fps to 40fps. I depise lag. Plus i would end up murdering my touchpad. But when i have a desktop PC capable of running it smoothly i shall kill zombies with you or feed you to them. Depends on what is the easiest option. :)

      • 10-40? steady frames on this game m8!

      • Ahh now i see your other post!

  2. I really do wish that my laptop could run this smoothly. It can only run it at 10-40FPS. :( I have heard some funny stories about Bmike and his gang’s misadventures on there and i do wish that i could join in. :( As soon as i get a decent desktop PC that is capable of playing most games from the past 3 years perfectly, then i shall pick this up. :)

    It would be nice if Valve would port it over to the PS3 but alas tis not true yet.

    • yeah I’m surprised that my pc could run it quite well.. even better it was £289.

  3. Well it asn’t dethroned my love for Monster Hunter. I think 4-player co-op makes it special, but I haven’t it with much friends.. which is a shame.

  4. Crap game. No fun. Rubbish graphics. Terrible voice acting. Weapons feel naff.

    • Yeah. Totally with you on this.

    • How much did we pay for this article to be aired !!

    • Too much Rochelle.

    • I take it you played it on the 360? If so then yes but on the PC it was/is one of the greatest MP, FPS, Co-Op or whatever you want to call it greatest games of all time.

  5. Man, i don’t get L4D2. Maybe i’m too much a fan of the first game, but those characters? Settings? Weapons? Doesn’t feel the same.

  6. I’m currently trying to figure out a way of getting myself some L4D2, i’m just gonna pop to london or maybe birmingham and pick me up some equipment for free ;)

  7. Ugh L4D, who even plays that anymore? I can’t imagine why anyone would want to hear the satis….erhh dissapointing “CLUNK” sound when you try to rescue your teammate with the frying pan….. Zombies are sooo icky!

    • You mean L4D2. There’s no frying pan in L4D.

      • Oh shush, so I forgot a number. Numbers are hard!

  8. Zombies are so 2010.

  9. L4D2,the death of all activity in the TSA Forums these days.

  10. If you play L4D2 make sure you team up with people who will rescue you using guns instead of jogging over to you like they’re on a day-out whilst they wave their melee weapon, shouting “I’ll rescue you, Mike!”.

    • Oi, I DID in the end rescue you didn’t I? Speaking of awesomeness, I’ll never forget the day (or the part of the level!) where rainydays set us all on fire. To this day on, it’s still dubbed “Katherine’s corner” and when someone throws a molotov we still warn them “not to do a Katherine”

      • At least I can manage to use a gun, instead of running around madly with a frying pan

      • *ahem!* I believe we all had Katanas, thank you very much!

      • Get a room you lot.

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