News Snatch: Snoop Dog, Thomas The Tank Engine And Dead Space
It’s another trailer heavy show today, and I think the staff at Ubisoft have been at the Christmas Sherry a little early. Actually, considering the inclusion of Snoop Dog, they may have been at something a bit stronger.

In a toe-curling, hideous stunt, the EA Games headquarters in Guildford was “treated” to a carol-singing performance including “A unique take on the popular Christmas carol, the 12 Days of Simsmas”.

Nothing particularly new in this new PS Vita Christmas trailer which showcases Tearaway and Invizimals.

The Dead Space devs, Visceral Games, are hiring new recruits for an ‘exciting new IP’. They are already working on a Star Wars game so the chances of them working on that, an new IP and the next Dead Space are rather slim.

More trailer goodness, this time for Obsidian Entertainment’s fantasy RPG, Pillars of Eternity. It is the usual combination of orcs, beards and shiny weapons.

With great power comes great responsibility, and with a huge sales comes one massive tax bill.

4Chan have been telling the internet that they can make their Xbox One consoles backwards compatible by a series of commands. Of course this is blatantly untrue and they are actually the commands to turn you Xbox One in to a dev console and in doing so, bricking the device.

Sony’s Shahid Ahmad was asked if indie hit Papers, Please, could come to PS Vita. His answer was a simple “Yes”.
Creytek have announced a free-to-play CryEngine-powered mobile game called The Collectables, and it looks rather good. Probably controls like a dog, but hey, nice explosions.

Family Guy is to be made into an adventure/simulation” free-to-play game with a story based on both the show’s history and current events. Expect lots of microtransactions and fart jokes.
Thomas the Tank Engine makes a fearsome replacement dragon in Skyrim.

For the second year in a row EA has been awarded the top score from The Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s LGBT Corporate Equality Index.

“We are extremely proud of this achievement that recognizes corporate policies and practices that demonstrate a commitment to LGBT equality and inclusion,” the publisher said.

And Finally, this has nothing to do with gaming but I’ve included it because it will make Blair explode in happiness.


  1. It didn’t make me explode in happiness. It’s a good idea, but the dialogue is awkward, the way he’s stitched the characters together from promo images makes it look horrible at times and it just feels very… off. I liked the TARDIS on Baker Street, but that was about it.

    You should’ve just included the new Doctor Who trailer instead!

    • At the end of the day, it’s the thought that counts, we all know tuff is a selfish cub ;)

    • Possibly don’t have a Christmas pressie for Blair, TC. It’ll be upchucked back into your face! :D

  2. Pillars of Eternity looks interesting. Wouldn’t mind being kept informed about that, fella. Nice find. :-)

  3. Thanks for the Resogun help earlier Tuff <3

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