White Night launched just last week on current-gen consoles and PC, and today we’ve got a launch trailer showing off some of the more atmospheric moments players will have to go through if they hope to see the story’s end.
If a lack of light or visibility is one technique developers of horror games often use to leave gamers in suspense, then White Night might have to be the poster-child for this trick. The game world is often completely dark, with only the area immediately around the player lit up, so it’s tough to tell what lies in the darkness.
We’ve actually been playing through this game ourselves, so you can expect to see our review in the very near future. Until then, head to the comments and let us know how you’re getting along with it, or if you intend to pick it up in the coming weeks.
Source: YouTube
Bought this on Friday but I haven’t started it yet. Trying to finish The Evil Within but my patience is wearing thin. This looks great though.
You may be interested in something coming up on TSA then.