Podcast: Third Party E3 2015 Special

Well it’s finally time for the last of our E3 podcast specials. So far we’ve covered Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, and now it’s time to focus in on the third parties.

This year Bethesda, EA, Ubisoft and Square Enix all had their own shows, and Teflon, Aran and I spent some time discussing each of them. From Fallout 4 at Bethesda to Hitman at Square Enix, they all get some attention as we run down the good, the bad and the downright awkward.

That’s going to be it for our E3 podcast coverage, and there also won’t be a regular podcast this Monday. We’ll return to our regular podcast schedule on the 29th of June.

  • Please send us questions via email to podcasts[at]thesixthaxis.com.
  • You can also tweet questions to @TSAPodcast.

This podcast features strong language, jokes in poor taste and adult themes, if you’re offended by that then we recommend that you don’t listen to it at all.

  • As usual, you can grab the MP3 file here (right click to download).
  • You might want to get it (when the RSS catches us) on the RSS feed, here.
  • We’re on iTunes, when iTunes feels like updating. You can also leave us a review and subscribe there, if you want to be particularly lovely.
  • Or, if SoundCloud’s more your sort of thing, we now post the podcast over there too, which you can see embedded below.
  • We’re launching ourselves on YouTube, with audio-only videos if that’s easier for you to access.
  • Finally, the podcast now appears on Stitcher as well.

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