Deadlight: Director’s Cut Releases June 21st For PS4, Xbox One And PC

Deep Silver has announced that it will be releasing Tequila Works’ Deadlight, originally an Xbox 360 console exclusive, in a new Director’s Cut package for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The original Deadlight came out in 2012 and received a positive reception as well as decent sales. The Director’s Cut edition will have a better control system and improved graphics. There will also be a Survival Arena mode added in for players to master.

Deadlight is a sidescrolling title where players take on the role of Randall Wayne in the year 1986. A zombie apocalypse has broken out, and Randall needs to do anything to survive in attempt to find the safe zone. Players have limited resources so fighting zombies is not always the best case scenario. The game releases on June 21st with a $19.99 price tag.

Source: Press Release


  1. Very pleased about this, since I bought it on Steam as I thought it would never come to PS (maybe because Microsoft published it)??

    However, I never got around to playing it so will defo pick this up on PS4.

  2. That looks quite good.

  3. Sold.

  4. Fantastic loved that game on Xbox and never got round to finishing it. Happy to hear it’s on PS4 and even better a Directors Cut ^^

  5. Enjoyed playing this a couple of years ago over Christmas, though the price is a bit steep for this version.

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