News Snatch: The Witcher III, Total War: Warhammer, And Improbable Boobs

Hello there Snatchlings, once again it’s time for a round up of news and there is a mountain of bobbins so let’s get right on it with a new trailer for Total War: Warhammer.

Activision have all the moneys thanks to it’s purchase of Candy Crush publisher King, a whopping 64% of all their revenue now comes from digital sales. They have also announced that another five million players have registered to play Destiny.

Bandai Namco have published a new dev diary for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine. Learn more about Geralt’s final mission, Blood and Wine’s new features, and the new open world location of Toussaint.

Microsoft are to release nearly 1 million Gamertags which were previously used on the orginal Xbox and never migrated forward on to the 360 or One.

While it may be challenging to find the exact Gamertag you want, keep trying, as there are many great Gamertags that will be released. Although we can’t share the actual list, we can tell you that many of the available Gamertags are in the following categories:

Proper Names
Pop culture references (Entertainment, sports, gaming)
Types of Food
Geography and Travel
Science and Technology
Math and Numbers
Some of the greatest inventions of all time
Access to these newly-released Gamertags will be available on, which is the most convenient way to make a Gamertag change. Customers can also access these Gamertags within the Xbox App on Windows 10 and on the Xbox One console. Xbox 360 customers will need to use, the Xbox App on Windows 10, or an Xbox One console to participate given that access to these newly-released Gamertags is not available from an Xbox 360 console.

The Fear Effect game that hit Kickstarter, Fear Effect Sedna, has been fully funded and the good news is that it will now be coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, along with the PC version.

Check out this training video for video game testers who worked at Sega all the way back in 1996.

Suda 51 has confirmed that The Silver Case, a game only available in Japan, is going to remade for the Western markets. It wil be out this autumn on Steam, no news of console versions.

The Time Machine is now out Oculus Rift and HTC Vive for $29.99 USD, with a PlayStation VR version following later this year. Looks fab!

Xbox One’s backward compatibility now supports games that span multiple discs. Huzzah!

Digital Foundry have done their analysis of Homefront: The Revolution and it’s not good.


The next update for Rocket League will add a load more quick chat options so you can <Madonna> express yourself  </Madonna>.

And Finally, it’s the return of.. IMPROBABLE BOOBS! Yasss! Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates is coming to PlayStation Vita in Japan and you change the characters attributes (speed, power, etc) by rubbing her, ahem, attributes.

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. and i suppose rubbing the “attributes” includes the girls that look about 12.

    and look how the manchildren will cry if they dare censer the groping children minigame for a western release.

    i hope the new Fear Effect game is a little easier this time, i really wanted to like the originals, i mean, how many games featured lesbians as the lead characters back then?
    hell, how many do now?
    but i just couldn’t get past the first few areas.

    i’d really like to see Urban Chaos return as well as Fear Effect.
    given it was a PS1 game, it’s quite an advanced game, with today’s hardware they could do amazing things.

    • She may look twelve, but she’s actually a one thousand year old dragon, so it’s fine…


      • Oh dear, peado jailbait ancient shape shifting grand bebosomed dragons, they’re the worst.

      • “bebosomed” gotta remember that one. ^_^

      • You sound like a Daily Mail article.

        “peado jailbait ancient shape shifting grand bebosomed dragons ARE TAKING YOUR JOBS!”

  2. 1st the pirates rubbing boobs for stronger stats game won’t come in EU so that point is mooted.

    Did moe chronicics come to the west no did moe crystal tome to the west no. So shooting someone in the head vist strip joints in GTA is legal binding but when cartoon characters that have no meaning of age is cause concern.

    Next you be saying they have feelings too. The same stupid mindset of special snowflakes that Mario game cause storm men rescued weak women tropes.

    The fact is IT won’t come out in NA & EU full stop because people like them wish it so.

    • You do realise that the boob games looks very dodgy? It looks like they are in their early teens!

      GTA does not. It features adults.

      • It called cherry picking of 1 platform like Ecchi over the mainstream triple A titles you wouldn’t called people play call of duty and GTA murderders or terrorists now would you but you would called people play Ecchi games pedophhilia.

        That is so close minded the same dam crap saying Mario games is also wrong none of them adults have ages fictional characters if it adults or teens girls have none of ages mention nearly most games can’t be bother to put characters ages in games.

        Thank god PEGI got more sense then these oh no please think of these fictional characters syndrome. As they hold the power to banned a game or rate it & not over sensitive lobbyists.

        The last time I look I’m pretty sure that to glorify violence is illegal & games do just that but it’s alright extreme violence cause exciting the same goes for films.

        So we not suppose to have a free market a mutil billion free market then?

      • So allowing people to rub the boobs of kids is ok if it’s fictional?

        Again, there is a major different between GTA and the pirates. GTA doesn’t allow you to actually fondle a young girl’s breasts. This pirates game does. That is very dangerous terrority and not allowing it to be released is a decent decision. And no, before you say, Anime barely gets away with it as well as they can usually tweak the age. The good ones at least. The bad ones, well, they kinda never get mentioned.

        So. people shouldn’t care about fictional characters? *looks at his narrative heay collection*

        If you want to look at boobs, use google or porn sites, dude. Games are not porn. Apart from the few that are but they often are crap.

  3. I rather think it ironic that people who sidestep my whole post. But what people forget is & what context the poster put like rubbing boobs of kids how the hell you know they kids no mention of the ages.

    Does the game force you to rub those boobs can you not touch the arm, her hair her tail like in censored monpiece should censored monpiece not be released here in the west too.

    Or maybe you can bypass the whole mini game in monpiece, moe chronicics & moe crystal but they never mentioned that don’t they there this item in game you can buy with in-game cash to skip the mini game all together so the game doesn’t force you into it.

    The spin you lot play amazed me don’t forces on in-game items because them don’t play it a bit more if they did they would know about that in-game item. But they forces on other stuff to slate.

    But the biggest fault I have is this “& not allowing it to be released is a decent decision.” Wow just like that it’s up to Devs to decide to self censored or censored even to release it or not & gamers got the right to criticism of that.

    But it not for Me or others to say what games should be allowed or shouldn’t that the ratings boards job not some click bait website with agenda example, they were glad that dead or alive 3 extreme didn’t come to the west but didn’t stop them buying the import game that they loathe so much & still ape shit the game in reviews and even ask people to boycott play Asia. The agenda is quite clear.

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