Well, this one’s on Bungie’s own head, as the Destiny website looked like this all of 5 minutes ago:
That’s right, though the reveal stream is set for tomorrow, their own website has let slip that Rise of Iron will be releasing on September 20th, 2016, and that it’s coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, seemingly dropping support for last generation consoles with this expansion.
We’ll have to wait until the stream tomorrow night at 6PM UK time for more details to be officially confirmed, but recent rumours have said that the expansion will include a new raid and a new weapon type, and that, in lieu of a second game, it will be larger than The Dark Below and House of Wolves in terms of new content.
Either way, silly Bungie.
Source: Destiny via @JohnnyCullen
Tony Cawley
This gives me a nice 2 month break from the game before this then. I’ll be looking forward to it, but until that date I’m happy to play other things. I will be watching their reveal stream tomorrow evening though.