Gears Of War 4’s May Update Adds Diamond Weapon Skins & Multi-GPU Support

The content updates keep on rolling for Gears of War 4, with the May update falling into the now traditional pattern of adding a pair of new maps a new character to play as, more special events and a few other tweaks and additions.

Where the added maps tend to be remakes of classics, Dawn is a brand new creation for Gears 4, set in an Outsider village near an abandoned colony. It’s joined by the first Gears of War 2 map to be given a next gen makeover, with Security. Gears of War 2 also gets a special mention with the new character that can be unlocked in gear packs, with Benjamin Carmine returning in a zombified form.

April saw the launch of new multiplayer seasons, with players chipping away in ranked matches to see how high up a Tier they can get. As the first season is currently underway, The Coalition have announced that you’ll be rewarded depending on how high you can get your Tier ranking, with gloriously chintzy diamond skins for those who end up in the upper echelons of the system.

Last but not least, Gears 4 is getting multi-GPU support on PC, allowing for those with SLI or CrossFire set ups to get the more out of their system. There’s not too much need for it with a mid-range RX 480 or GTX 1060 more than capable of running the game at 1080p60 with very high settings, but those pushing on to 4K and demanding high frame rates will be glad to see the feature.

Source: Xbox Wire

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