News Snatch: Mario Kart VR, ChromaGun, Tiny Trax, Skyrim VR, And Loads More

Hello there, after a ridiculously busy few days welcome to the quietest day in the year when it comes to gaming news as everyone jumps on planes and departs from LA. What better time then to have a round up of news that didn’t get a mention this week due to the E3 madness. First up a trailer for colour-based first person puzzler ChromaGun, which is coming to PS4.

If you spend your journey to work with one of King’s ridiculous popular mobile games then here is some news for you. Farm Heroes Saga has launched ‘Rancid’s Revenge’, a live event that features a series of new levels, and will set a timed challenge for players where they’ll seek to capture tiles from the game’s main villain, Rancid the Raccoon, trying to prevent him from covering it with his purple goo.

The event finishes at 9AM on Sunday morning.

Mario Kart VR. Three words many people have been waiting to hear and at last it is reality. Well, a virtual reality. Unfortunately it will only be available at the VR Zone in Shinjuku, Japan.

Let It Die is getting some DLC, The Tower of Barbs. It has nothing to do with Stranger Things, which is a massive shame.

EA have announced SEED, the “Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division” which is a “cross-disciplinary team within EA Worldwide Studios. Our mission is to explore, build, and help define the future of interactive entertainment.”

LucidSound have announced the Wireless LS15X In-Ear Contour Gaming Headset, for Xbox One Consoles and Windows 10 PCs.

The LS15X is designed to sit on the shoulders and neck, extremely lightweight and barely noticeable to the gamer making it a great solution for gamers who wear glasses or earrings. Integrated stereo speakers can be used in lieu of the earbuds that provide a personal audio space allowing players to keep track of the action while reducing isolation and allowing awareness of external sounds. Communication is handled with an advanced digital microphone that has been engineered for clear and reliable voice communications while blocking out ambient audio to teammates.

A few more bits from E3, this is Sundered which is coming to PlayStation 4.

This is Archangel for PlayStation VR, never heard of this game until now but looks good.

Skyrim for PlayStation VR, just in case you needed to play Skyrim yet again. The game will include all the DLC, which is good. It will feature smooth locomotion or teleporting if you get motion sickeness.

ROM Extraction for PlayStation VR. More VR games!

And finally, it’s out faves FuturLab with Tiny Trax. Also #HotDaveFromFuturLab

From Twitter.

Right, that’s your lot. As it is going to be scorchio this weekend in the UK why not put down the controller and get out in the fresh air. Tara!

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. Mario VR looks amazing. That’s got to be Nintendo’s next console plan sorted and out of the way.

  2. That Xbox picture made me giggle, and I’ve gone one better! ‘One X’ XBox One X Boxes

  3. Does that mean I have to buy the game for a 3rd time just to get vr or will they offer a nice DLC price for the people who’ve purchased this on ps4 having already gone through it on ps3

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