Cities: Skylines Is Coming To PlayStation 4 On 15th August

With the Xbox One Edition of this critically acclaimed city builder releasing a couple months ago – catch our review here – it was almost inevitable that Cities: Skylines would also be making the jump to PlayStation 4, and it’s coming sooner rather than later, with Paradox Interactive announcing that it will be out on 15th August.

Expect it to be practically identical to the Xbox One Edition, which featured the base game and the first expansion, After Dark, all of which has been wrapped up in a more console friendly interface by Tantalus Media.

If it does well enough, there’s plenty more expansions that they can bring along in the future, with Snowfall adding wintery weather, Natural Disasters adding disasters and scenarios, and the most recent Mass Transit expansion beefing up the transport options in your city.

Source: press release

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. Oh yeah!! Been desperate to play this. Only just recently got a PC build capable of playing it but not bought it yet so probably won’t.

    • Oh, definitely get it on PC. Firstly, there’s a lot more expansions out right now, secondly there’s the Steam Workshop mod support, and thirdly, there’s a bizarre lack of fast forward on console which slows the game down.

  2. Excellent. PS4 needs lots more things like this for me to sink my teeth into.

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