The Xbox One has caught up with the PlayStation 4 as a fancy music box this week, with the release of a Spotify app to blast whatever tunes you fancy through your TV speakers while you’re blasting away newbies in Call of Duty or whatever.
Spotify is available for Xbox One in 34 markets, and all you need to do is download the app from the Xbox Store to get started sifting through the 30 million tracks for yourself. Alternatively, find out what Major Nelson likes to listen to with his  curated playlist. I’m hoping there’s a bit of Madge on his list.
Our resident self-professed superstar DJ was rather unimpressed, however. That’s right, Tuffcub turned his nose up at the mention of Spotify, stating that he owns “about 70,000 tracks so I have my own personalised Spotify.”
Ooh, get you!
Source: Xbox