So, you think you’re a whizz when it comes to video games, huh? Well, it’s time to put that knowledge to the test, compete for bragging rights, challenge your friends, and maybe even bag a prize or two. Every Monday here at TheSixthAxis, we’ll be rolling out a new quiz for our readers to take part in. At fifteen questions per round they’ll be short and sweet, spanning a wide range of gaming series, platforms, and generations. We’ve tried to mix things up so every type of gamer has a shot at grabbing the high score!
No matter what score you get, you could walk away with a copy of Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun on PlayStation 4. To enter, simply complete the quiz and share your result to us via Facebook or Twitter (make sure you tag us so we can log your score). Your scoresheet can also be sent via e-mail at the following address: [email protected]. Those who submit a score of 10 or more will receive two tickets and, therefore, have double the chance of winning!
Entries for the quiz will close on Sunday, September 3rd at 11.59pm. The winner will be contacted shortly after with their prize. To redeem the game code you will need access to a US PlayStation network account. Good luck!
A massive thanks goes to Allison Carl who illustrated our awesome banner – you can find her work here.
Tony Cawley
Excellent, enjoyed that but sadly only got 5 right, and they were the ones where I knew the answer. Every single guess I made was wrong!
Problem with people using the Internet to cheat I guess? Same with any pub quiz I suppose.
Stefan L
Yeah, potentially, but then again, I got 12 or 13 and I was only half trying, so it also depends on how much you know video games.
Oh, and it’s simply the act of entering and sending us the results that puts you in the pool for winning the prize, not being at the tippy top of the leaderboard.
You dont even need to google the answers, if you can remember them, you can just reload the page and do the quiz again…
So i wont even bother sharing my score of 12, i dont think theres a chance to win with less than a perfect score…
Or is everybody entered and then a random winner gets picked? Thenn ill enter! :)
Just read it again, and i think thats how its worded?
I managed Nine. Six i was pretty sure about, two were educated guesses and one was a random guess.
The banner is great, grabbed my attention right away.
That brings fond memories back of a former life long past, of pub quizzes in the Peak District and in Sheffield, and of a certain girl being involved… *sigh*
Only 7, but mostly Nintendo is to blame for that, as I decided long ago to ignore them. Maybe there’s a video game edition of the quiz in the future, without all the toy content..? ;o)
8 right not bad I like it!
And thank you Alison Carl for this colourful banner it really stands out!
I had to take 5 guesses as I have never really played the game.
Got 2 wrong on the games I have played (actally got the Platinums) I thought I knew the answer… d’oh!
Will do my homework for next week xD lol
Brilliant idea this! Hopefully it happens again some tough questions in there too ? got 8 most of the Nintendo questions I got wrong or only got throw process of elimination. A Sony quiz would suit me more but this all roind general gaming quiz eas fun.
Dan Jones
Managed 9, I got the Until Dawn question wrong even though I’m playing through the story at the moment…oops.
13 out of 15 and only got one of them wrong because I have walls pork sausages for fingers
Well I did the quiz before finding out what the prize was, should’ve looked first, might have given the game a go if I won (not likely) but saw the “US PlayStation network account”, so won’t be entering. I got 14/15.