As we wrote last night, there’s something special about The Crew 2’s effortless vehicle switching and exploration, letting you hop from car to plane, from plane to boat, and venture across a rendition of the USA. The game’s release isn’t that far away on 29th June, but you might get the opportunity to play it just a little bit early as Ubisoft have announced a closed beta across PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, running from 31st May to 4th June
THe beta will open up the whole world for players to explore, and the vehicle switching will be there in full force. However, it will only feature the first tier of events in each of the four racing disciplines: Street Race, Rally Raid, Powerboat and Aerobatics.
Head here to sign up for a shot at getting into the beta and cross your fingers for the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, you can catch our latest hands on preview with the game.
Source: press release
Signed up. I did the last test (pc) so it’ll be good to see the changes in response to the feedback given after that test.