You can pre-order Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls on PC for £6 each, Detroit: Become Human is £20

The Epic Games Store is at it again and wiping a tenner off pre-orders for all three Quantic Dreams games, all of which were previously exclusive to PlayStation. Here are links to the deals.

I’m not entirely sure how Epic are making money from this, they paid out so the games were exclusive to the store and now they’re knocking ten quid off each title, although the publishers/developer, Quantic Dream, gets the full price of the sale, so Epic are paying the £10 themselves.

Detroit scored an impressive 9/10 when we reviewed the PlayStation 4 version. “Detroit: Become Human really is like sitting down and playing a TV box set,” said the dashingly handsome reviewer. “It’s a technical masterpiece on PS4 with movie quality sound, lighting and camera work, which is backed up by some top quality action and a wonderfully evocative score. Detroit really worked for me; I was gripped by the story and connected with the characters, but I think some players may have a hard time relating to Kara, Markus, and Connor.”

Beyond: Two Souls got less of a glowing review, “Beyond is a tale of squandered potential,” said Blair. “With acting talent such as Page and Dafoe on board, music from legendary composer Hans Zimmer and visuals that give the PS4 launch line-up a run for their money, it’s such a shame that when it comes down to it, the incompetent story and poor gameplay mechanics leave a lot to be desired.”

The thing is, and I pointed this out many, many time to Blair before he left these shores, is that’s he’s wrong. Beyond has it’s problems but it certainly doesn’t deserve 6/10.

Heavy Rain scored rather better in our review although Alex did highlight “cringe worthy nudity”, no doubt the nipple fidelity has improved on PC so if that’s your bag you might like to spend six quid and pick up the game!

Source: Twitter

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.