Giveaway: Win one of 24 Xbox One codes for Steel Rats

To mark the release of Steel Rats on Xbox One and via Discord last week, we’ve partnered with Tate Multimedia to giveaway 24 codes of the bike-themed stunt shoot-’em-up for Xbox One. In the game, players will take on the roles of various members of the Steel Rats biker gang to take out a robot invasion that looks to conquer the world and take control from humanity. You use a number of different bikes mounted with gadgets and weapons to help in this war of the machines while pulling tricks to increase your score.

To enter simply use the Socialman entry form below. You can enter in a number of ways, through simply signing up for the giveaway with a question, through visiting out Facebook page, retweeting and following @thesixthaxis and @tatemultimedia on Twitter, subscribing to our YouTube channel, and joining our Discord channel. The giveaway is live now and will run for 48 hours until 12PM midday UK time on Thursday 23rd May, after which winners will be picked at random and notified by email or through social media. Terms and conditions apply and our decisions are final.


Even if you don’t win or don’t have an Xbox One, Steel Rats is still a game worth giving a second look. Tate Multimedia took their work on the Urban Trials series and twisted that 2.5D motorbike trick action into a very different setting. In our Steel Rats review from the tail end of last year, Ade concluded: “Steel Rats is an undeniably daring experiment; fusing gameplay mechanics, varied visuals and control inputs that have no right to go together. The game should be an absolute mess, but it deftly weaves these disparate elements together and what we are left with is a thrilling and refreshing stunt-based shoot ’em up.”

And with that, all that’s really left to say is good luck!

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.