Apex Legends animated trailer reveals more of new character Rampart’s backstory

With the launch of Apex Legends Season 6 – Boosted next week on 18th August, players will have a new Legend to choose and play as: Ramya Parekh, AKA Rampart. Described as a 21-year-old British-Indian and private business owner, she steps into the arena with a heavy-mounted turret.

The latest trailer for the game, gives us a bit more of a look at Rampart, setting up some of her backstory and teasing some characters that might filter into Apex Legends over the coming months.

Season 6 – Boosted brings a new crafting mechanic to the arena, with the ability to collect materials and build something better if they’re not so happy with their current gear.

There’s also a new energy SMG, the Volt, a battle pass, legendary skins and holo-sprays and Ranked Series 5.

Source: Twitter

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